The Arawn Prophecy


2018 Whitney Award Finalist

The Arawn Prophecy

"Though thou seekest not after other gods,

yet shalt thou seek the lord of the dead.

And behold! Thou shalt find him."

          from the Book of Marcus Scribonius

Roman Britannia, 61 A.D.  Marcus Scribonius--a Christian convert of scarcely five years and an Option in the Roman Army, second-in-command of a century of eighty men--has just survived a horrific battle against Boudicca and her Celtic rebels. Although Roman casualties were astonishingly light, one of those casualties was Marcus's beloved commander and mentor. Now serving under the command of a new centurion--who, for reasons Marcus cannot comprehend, already hates him--Marcus and his century are given a secret mission: an armed reconnaissance mission deep into hostile territory to investigate the repeated manifestations of a Celtic god, Arawn, Lord of the Dead.

Marcus possesses the Gift of Prophecy, although for the most part, he is unable to understand the prophecies he transcribes onto his scroll. But he does understand two things--he will face Arawn, and a great tribulation will come into his life. That tribulation arrives in the form of a disturbing young woman--Maelona, the slave of his new commander. Maelona frightens Marcus, because she was once one of the terrifying Witches of Mona before she was captured, used, and enslaved. However, a prophecy states that Marcus must protect her at all costs.

Along their march deep into Cambria (Wales), Marcus and his century camp near an ancient circle of standing stones. During the night, one of the burial mounds near the stone circle opens, and out of it crawls an ancient horror. And legionnaires begin to die...

Paperback: SIGNED by the author!
Paperback: Amazon
Paperback: Barnes&Noble
Audiobook: Audible
Kindle: Amazon
Nook: Barnes&Noble
iPad: iTunes
other: Smashwords


What others are saying about The Arawn Prophecy:

A Perfect capstone AND a Great Stand-alone Book!
The Arawn Prophecy, for me, was a perfect capstone for David's Children of Lilith Series (The Unwilling, The Penitent, The Prophecy). However, despair not if you haven't read those, as David has made this book enjoyable all on its own!
David again shows remarkable skill and flare for drawing you in quickly, using just the right frugality in fleshing out his characters, so that by the third chapter you already feel as if you've known these characters all your life. David's unique take on the vampire genre is refreshing, and even plausible - no sparkly bits here!
Marcus Scribonius, the main character, becomes the hero you can't help but cheer for, rooting with breathless anticipation for the next scene and heart-stopping action. In and among the engaging relationships of Marcus, Maelona, and Branwen, David knits 61 A.D. back to the present, ending with a soul-satisfying tale that brings all of David's tale to a satisfactory conclusion.
And while you may not need to read David's Children of Lilith series, I wholeheartedly recommend you do so! You won't be disappointed!

Walt Parker - Taylorsille, UT

When the author offered an ARC to review his new book, I was curious. Having not read his previous novels, I was intrigued by the premise of combining the genres of Christian fiction, LDS fiction, and horror. I wasn't disappointed.
The story is well crafted and researched. I loved learning about the lives of the Roman legionnaires as I met Marcus. The trials of being a former princess, now defeated as a slave, as I met Maelona. The conflicting emotions of loving a human, but being compelled to kill those who do evil, when I met Branwen. I say met, because that is what it felt like. The characters are easily pictured, well written, and easy to connect with.
The word "Prophecy", as written in the title, plays a major part in the story. Marcus has the Gift of Prophecy, and each chapter begins with one quoted. I enjoyed the challenge of first trying to determine the meaning, and then discovering it as the chapter played out.
Don't let the idea that this is part of a series, or the horror genre, turn you away. There is enough back-story given to catch you up with the extra characters, and Mr. Belt does a wonderful job of letting your imagination fill in the details that constitute the horror. This story is easily read as a stand-alone novel. Bravo, Mr. Belt!

Cydnie Dial - South Jordan, UT

I just watched a great movie--in my head, from reading this outstanding story! Attend the tale of Marcus Scribonius Audaxus, Roman legionnaire extraordinaire! Having suffered the loss of his mother at the hands of wicked men, Marcus joins the Roman army and grows to become a great leader. Also having been baptized by an original member of the Quorum of the Seventy, an elder named Aristobulus who served with Jesus Christ during His earthly ministry, Marcus experiences many great challenges that test his faith, including fighting with extremely wicked men who worship Arawn, Lord of the Dead. Marcus is not only valiant, courageous, humble, faithful, loyal, and full of integrity, but he has a special gift of receiving prophecies that proves to be a great blessing to him and those he loves. His steadfastness, courage, faith, and his love prove to be a great catalyst in causing two beautiful women, a slave-turned-princess named Maelona and a mortal-turned-vampire named Branwen, to fall incredibly in love with him. This love permeates the story and plays a role in tying together the past with the future as the heroes who defeated Lilith (see Belt's "The Children of Lilith") learn all about Marcus and those who nobly fought beside him. These two heroes honor Marcus and his descendants in a final act of selfless love, and then the final prophecy is fulfilled. 'Tis an epic tale of great magnitude and a tear jerker in the end!

John Abercrombie - Bountiful, UT

"The Arawn Prophecy" drew me in and made me feel as though I was part of the story. I joined Marcus Scribonius "Audaxus" as he fought physical battles in the Roman army and struggled with matters of faith and temptation. I joined Maelona as she transformed from slave to princess. As their relationship changed from fear to love, I felt the emotions they were going through. I joined Branwen while she was having her own inner struggles with her feelings for Marcus. I joined them all on their journey to fight the wicked priests of Arawn as they put their fear behind and found the courage they needed to face what could possibly be their last battle. I did not want the story to end! I couldn't put the book down.
Thank you for an amazing, exciting, wonderful journey, C. David Belt!

Carrie Farnsworth - Kaysville, UT

"The Arawn Prophecy" was a beautifully crafted story. I was drawn in by characters so well-written, I could have sworn I was there with them. This was a story built around keeping faith during times that seemed to contradict everything, and rising above and becoming stronger for it.

Kimberly King - Logan, UT