The Sweet Sister by C. David Belt


2016 Whitney Award Nominee

The Sweet Sister

by C. David Belt

For centuries, sweet Elaine Morrigan

has fled through the mists of time,

pursued by horror and death...

...and her sister.

An ancient evil has returned out of the mists of time, and Peggy Carson must risk everything to protect her best friend, Derek. Peggy is smart, funny, geeky... and plain. And Derek has no clue how much she loves him.

Derek has discovered a series of old diaries, each written by the same young woman, and each spaced several decades apart--a period spanning centuries. He thinks he has found a time-traveling, fairytale princess--but a princess under an evil curse.

Derek is determined to break the curse, to rescue sweet, pretty Elaine from her sister--the evil, disfigured Morgaise. But where he sees fantasy and romantic adventure, Peggy sees horror and death. Soon the ancient evil begins to stalk Peggy. Even if she can save Derek, who will save her?

Paperback: SIGNED by the author!
Paperback: Amazon
Paperback: Barnes&Noble
Audiobook: Audible
Kindle: Amazon
Nook: Barnes&Noble
iPad: iTunes
Other: Smashwords


Praise for The Sweet Sister:

I am probably not in C. David Belt's target audience. I don't read much in the horror-fantasy genre, and I've never been to ComiCon. I don't even dress up for Halloween. But I do love a great story. And The Sweet Sister is a great story. It is one of those can't-put-it-down page-turners that keeps you up late. What's more, it dares to be a clear-cut story about the battle between Good and Evil, devoid of the moral hand-wringing that characterizes so much post-modern storytelling.
Belt casts his heroes and heroines, not in the mold of Tolkien's epic figures, but as utterly relatable every-men. There is nothing special about them except that they want to do the right thing. They succeed using their own modest talents, despite their mortal foibles and self-doubt.
Whether or not you are a fan of the emerging "LDS Fantasy-Horror" genre, if you are looking for a good read with a satisfying conclusion, The Sweet Sister is a can't-miss choice.

Devon Asay - Orem, UT

The Sweet Sister by C. David Belt is proof Horror is not a genre only for those who enjoy a terror-induced adrenaline rush. C. David Belt's voice, multi-character POV, abundance of pop culture, and intriguing prose drew me in from the first paragraph and continued to hook me until the last page. True to its genre, some areas are frightening, but the balance of the character's unique faith, makes this a fun and inspirational read.

Loury Trader - Helena, MT

The Sweet Sister is a spooky, suspenseful ride that seamlessly blends the present and the past. It impressively blends the myths and legends of many different cultures into an incredible tapestry that is both satisfying and fascinating. I really enjoyed the quirky, relatable protagonist, and the many great twists in the plot. Highly recommended!

Michael Young, author of The Hunger, The Last Archangel, and The Canticle Kingdome - Eagle Mountain, UT

It was an exciting adventure to read The Sweet Sister -- enlightening, even. Not many pages or minutes ever went by without me running into an element in the story that made me feel like I had just become a little smarter in the realm of history or folklore how it was originally intended to be told. Mr. Belt is very knowledgable in such things; plus, he's an excellent storyteller with a real talent to transcribe the story into well-crafted and gripping written word.

Alison Barton - Salt Lake City, UT

The Sweet Sister was nothing I was expecting; in fact, I honestly didn't know what to expect from a genre new to me, LDS Horror. There were scary moments where I wanted to cover my eyes, but couldn't stop turning pages; sweet moments filled with wonder, hope and romance; and educational moments where I learned so much about our world's history. This book keeps you on your toes, jumping from each character's vantage point, unveiling clue by clue, until the reader has witnessed the full journey alongside the heroine. Well-written and expertly crafted, this book opened my eyes to the wonder of fiction, of escaping into an alternate reality, and somehow finding a sense of normalcy therein.

Staci Meacham - Layton, UT